Pastor's Blog

Soul Confusion
on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 18:54

The March 16, 1999 television chat show, Larry King Live, featured five panelists: Robert Thurman, professor of Buddhism studies at Columbia University; Marianne Williamson, New Age author and spokesperson for the spiritist-channeled Course in Miracles; Rabbi David Aaron, expert on … Continue reading

2011 Baseball Season at San Quentin Prison
on Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:53

Ball Four, Take Your Base! The 2011 Baseball Season at San Quentin Prison By Kent Philpott Introduction Baseball at the prison began under Chaplain Earl Smith in 1995. At that point I was doing cell-to-cell ministry out of the Protestant … Continue reading

Why Non-Christians ofen do not like Christians
on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 20:01

 Why non-Christians often do not like Christians  This was certainly the case with me. When I was 15 years old my dad became a Christian, at a Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles. And it was then that I hung … Continue reading

The Real Reason
on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 19:38

For nearly thirty years I assumed a person could decide to become a Christian. However, it became clear that salva- tion was on the basis of grace through faith – gifts of God. This is evident from many passages of … Continue reading

The Great Tribulation
on Fri, 13 Dec 2024 18:48

In this month’s edition (March 2022) of The Atlantic is an article by Arthur C. Brooks entitled, “The Satisfaction Trap.” (He identifies with both Buddhism and Roman Catholicism.) His focus is on the fact that we are very often disappointed … Continue reading

It amazes me that anyone around here comes to Christ at all. And it is no surprise that less than 2% of my fellow citizens of Marin County, California, attend church services on Easter Sunday. From the Newspaper Here are the thumbnail sketches of items I read in theSan Francisco Chronicle recently [originally meaning pre-2000]. Two teenage brothers in Redding, California shottwo homosexuals to death, because it was their “Christian”duty to do so. An ex-Protestant minister was in town to pro-mote his new book on Tibetan Buddhism. A Catholic priest in Santa Rosa was arrested for molesting altar boys over the course of fifteen years and made a plea bargain with the district attorney’s office. A Baptist pastor in the South Bay, con-victed of embezzling church funds, was sent to state prison.The daughter of a Protestant minister, after recovering lostchildhood memories, sued her now retired father for sexualabuse. A professional football player, active in Christian min-istry, received three years probation for drug use and sales.An archaeologist made fun of the Bible’s account of Noah’s Ark in a lecture at a local college. A school board in a southern state passed a resolution prohibiting fundamentalists from displaying the Ten Commandments in schoolrooms. An Alabama judge’s decision that evolution cannot be taughtin the schools was overturned. The pastor of a Pentecostal church in Oakland disappeared with the money raised to get the congregation ready for Y2K. A local radio preacher announced that Jesus would not return on 1 January 2000, but on 1 January 2001. You don’t even want to hear about the previous week!It amazes me that anyone is ever converted around here.But, once in a while, someone is. I know this is California, but what is reported in the Chronicle often makes newspapers across the country. And what I reported about the news paper items is nothing compared with the crazy things shown on“Christian” television and radio. (I won’t discourage you by describing them.) Then there are the surrounding churches themselves. When I talk about it to others in different parts of the country, they think I am making it up or am at least exaggerating. Well, believe me or not, here is some of it.Local Churches First, let me tell you how I know. Some people around here, although very few, are church shoppers. That is, they shop around for a church to belong to. Or, they attendchurches for short periods due to some special lecture seriesor concert that is given. Or, a disgruntled former member returns with tales to tell. These people pass through our own church and sometimes talk about their experiences elsewhere. I therefore get a good idea of what is happening.I also know most of the ministers around here and occasionallymeet with them and compare notes. Several pastors of local churches do not consider themselves Christians and say so from the pulpit. One is a Hindu, another is a self-described agnostic, and a third is a post-modern seeker after truth wherever it might be found. I am not telling tales here, nor am I passing on negative information.These pastors are proud of their spiritual attainments. Their churches are the largest and wealthiest in southern MarinCounty. The Homeless Then there are the homeless. One wears a red-hooded sweatshirt so that he will always be covered in the blood ofJesus. I have seen him recently in front of the 7-11 store withthe hood pulled closed across his face. Many local people know he does this to keep the demons out (he has made thisclear himself and does so as a “witness”). He imagines thathe is a glamour expert and frequently approaches women with tips on how they can make themselves look beautiful for Jesus.Another is continually running for various local politicaloffices, and on the ballot he lists his occupation as “minister.”On television interviews, panel discussions, and debate she makes a mockery of Christianity and the Bible with his strange and deranged comments. He is widely known forcarrying around a huge copy of a Bible that was printed inthe early 1500s. I am not proud of telling of the peculiar nature of our area,I am not trying to raise money to combat the evil around me,and I do not consider myself to be a better minister than any other. It is simply that given it all, I am amazed that anyoneever becomes a Christian.Blind and BoundAnother reason why I am amazed anyone ever trusts in Jesus is that Satan has blinded the eyes (the mind) of the unconverted, as described by Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:4.6. Satan, the god of this age, blinds in ways we do not understand. Jesus said Satan uses pretended signs and wonders in order to deceive (Matthew 24:24).Our sin also keeps us from Christ. Because of this, we hate the light of Jesus and will not come to him out of fear that our sins will be exposed (John 3:19-21). Paul says thatsin produces spiritual death, so we cannot know anything ofJesus and his truth (Eph. 2:1; 1 Cor. 1:18; and 2:14).It is Amazing GraceThat anyone is ever converted both amazes and somewhat discourages me. And I do not see things getting any better (barring an awakening). However, even without revivals and awakenings, some are being converted. I see it in myown church at Miller Avenue. In fact, God is constantly calling to himself those he has ordained to eternal life. I take great courage, hope, and confidence from Acts 13:48, which states,“All who were appointed for eternal life believed.” ThoughPaul’s fellow Jews often rejected the gospel, Gentiles plussome fellow Jews, did come to Jesus in this case and others.Jesus “came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke19:10). He searches for us like the shepherd does for the lostsheep and the woman does for the lost coin. Those who arefound are like those received as the father does his lost son.It is not my practice to wring my hands and lament over the lack of success of the gospel. My task is to preach the gospel and know that God will save those whom he will. No one can come to Jesus unless he or she is drawn by the Father.But by the preaching of Jesus, the Father does just that.“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word ofChrist” (Romans 10:17).What God did for me, he will do for others. Despite my deadness, blindness, fear, and error, he saved me. Yes, it amazes me!
on Mon, 09 Dec 2024 19:27

I enjoy preaching on heaven; I dislike preaching on hell.
on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 18:07

Over the last twenty years, I have preached on hell once. Of course, I mention the doctrine every so often, but always in passing. This, I am convinced, is an error on my part, especially since the doctrine is rapidly … Continue reading

The Accuser from my book The Best Sex
on Thu, 14 Nov 2024 19:33

An accuser is someone who accuses someone of a crime or offense—says that they are guilty of it. The person against whom the accusation is made can be described with the adjective accused. Accused is also used as a noun to refer to a person or … Continue reading

Taking Away Hope
on Mon, 04 Nov 2024 19:42

From Why I Am A Christian The pro-gay position among some segments of the Christian community effectively deprives the homo- sexual of hope. These persons may be thinking they are reaching out in love to the gay community, but to … Continue reading

Lyman Beecher: How he Died
on Fri, 01 Nov 2024 17:52

In Preaching and Preachers, Dr. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones referred to Lyman Beecher’s (1775-1863) correspon- dence with and about Asahel Nettleton, the great preacher of the first half of the second Great Awakening in America. Beecher himself was greatly used of … Continue reading