The March 16, 1999 television chat show, Larry King Live, featured five panelists: Robert Thurman, professor of Buddhism studies at Columbia University; Marianne Williamson, New Age author and spokesperson for the spiritist-channeled Course in Miracles; Rabbi David Aaron, expert on …
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Ball Four, Take Your Base! The 2011 Baseball Season at San Quentin Prison By Kent Philpott Introduction Baseball at the prison began under Chaplain Earl Smith in 1995. At that point I was doing cell-to-cell ministry out of the Protestant …
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Why non-Christians often do not like Christians This was certainly the case with me. When I was 15 years old my dad became a Christian, at a Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles. And it was then that I hung …
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For nearly thirty years I assumed a person could decide to become a Christian. However, it became clear that salva- tion was on the basis of grace through faith – gifts of God. This is evident from many passages of …
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In this month’s edition (March 2022) of The Atlantic is an article by Arthur C. Brooks entitled, “The Satisfaction Trap.” (He identifies with both Buddhism and Roman Catholicism.) His focus is on the fact that we are very often disappointed …
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Over the last twenty years, I have preached on hell once. Of course, I mention the doctrine every so often, but always in passing. This, I am convinced, is an error on my part, especially since the doctrine is rapidly …
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An accuser is someone who accuses someone of a crime or offense—says that they are guilty of it. The person against whom the accusation is made can be described with the adjective accused. Accused is also used as a noun to refer to a person or …
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From Why I Am A Christian The pro-gay position among some segments of the Christian community effectively deprives the homo- sexual of hope. These persons may be thinking they are reaching out in love to the gay community, but to …
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In Preaching and Preachers, Dr. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones referred to Lyman Beecher’s (1775-1863) correspon- dence with and about Asahel Nettleton, the great preacher of the first half of the second Great Awakening in America. Beecher himself was greatly used of …
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